Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Best Air Vent Filters 1 Pack of 12- 4x12 (Register Vent Filters) Deals

Air Vent Filters 1 Pack of 12- 4x12 - by Nordic Pure
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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We have a forced air heating system which makes for a dusty home. I purchased these vent filters in hopes they would reduce the dust flying around and settling on furniture. We installed them a month ago and I really notice the difference in the amount of dust on shelves, dressers, etc. Before the filters I needed to dust every day (which I couldn't do) to keep stuff from looking dusty. Now I can do a normal once a week dusting and even then there's not much dust. These filters work.

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We recently had a new baby so I wanted to find something that would filter any lingering dust in the vents in the house. My husband was really skeptical, but after a little persuasion (aka nagging) he put them in the registers. The first thing we noticed is that it decreases the amount of heat coming into the room so we had to adjust the thermostat to maintain the 72 degrees we're used to. After three months my husband went to change the filters as well as the furnace filter and was no longer a skeptic. It was amazing how much dust these filters had trapped. We now change these every three months and every one breathes a little better without the extra dust lingering in the air. I highly recommend this product especially to anyone who is waking up a little congested as it defintely helps!

Best Deals on Air Vent Filters 1 Pack of 12- 4x12 (Register Vent Filters)

Exactly what I wanted and the advertisement is exact. All you will need is something to secure them to any vent or where ever you will be using them. I haven't had to rinse them yet but it is doing its job. My daughter is not having her allergy attacks anymore so I am loving this

Honest reviews on Air Vent Filters 1 Pack of 12- 4x12 (Register Vent Filters)

Just another way to add protection. Also great for renters. Moving into a new place usually the maintenance crew doesnt care about the place since they dont own it. They let all sort of junk fall into the vents. Then you move in and the air is push up right through all the junk. I say a must have for clean living.

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I got the product very quickly. They fit well in the vents after a little bit of trimming (just off the end), have one in every vent in the house.

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