Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Best Sephra CF18M Elite 6-lb Capacity Chocolate Fountain Deals

Sephra CF18M-SST Elite 6-lb Capacity Chocolate Fountain, Stainless Steel
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $299.00
Sale Price: $188.88
Today's Bonus: 37% Off
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This is the home version of the fountain used by the pros it is the center of any party, is fairly easy to use, and (except for the base) is dishwasher safe. It does take some space to store, and does need some attention during the party. It also requires 5-6lbs of chocolate to ensure an even flow.

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I received this for Christmas from my mother and it worked only once. The motor burned out and the company would not honor the warranty. Both the company and the fountain were a HUGE diappointment. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!

Best Deals on Sephra CF18M Elite 6-lb Capacity Chocolate Fountain

A bit higher than discount models but worth the price.

I researched the models and found this offered the flexibility wihtout purchasing a commerical fountain.

Honest reviews on Sephra CF18M Elite 6-lb Capacity Chocolate Fountain

This is an amazing machine and will be used for every occasion possible, and for just sitting around the table. Excited about trying all the different fruits.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Sephra CF18M Elite 6-lb Capacity Chocolate Fountain

We rented this machine from an events store for the weekend. It was a huge hit, and the machine performed flawlessly. We are so impressed we're planning on buying one (or two) for our next event.

Before bringing it home my wife received a few instructions on it's operation, and a few hints on getting it to flow well. Basically, if it's not level you're going to need to feed it more chocolate to get it to flowing perfectly. This machine comes with leveling screws under its base and it was a breeze to get it level... and our dining room table has a fairly moderate lean to it.

In case you can't see, the unit comes with several buttons. A primary power button, a flow On button, a flow Off button, and four different heat setting buttons: Off/Low/Med/High.

This unit is capable of melting chocolate. The first night we pre-melted the chocolate, but the second night we had an extra 60 minute prep time so we just placed the chocolate on the dish and turned the heating unit on High. We couldn't tell a difference in taste at all. In the future we'll probably pre-melt it cause it's faster overall.

We used the Sephra brand milk chocolate bags. To be fair these are found for about double the price of the raw ingredients you could make yourself, but in my opinion oh-so-worth-it. From what my wife was told Sephra uses coconut oil as the primary base so that it melts consistently and at a lower temperature. If you want children dipping into hot chocolate you'll appreciate the lower melting point of the coconut oil, and the 'Low' setting of this unit. In the future we're going to play around with adding additional ingredients like peanut butter, spices, and flavorings.

The machine ran for about 5 hours consecutively without any sort of hickup. Near the end of the night instead of adding more chocolate I let it run with a bit of a 'step' to the flow.


1) If the chocolate hasn't settled then continue to step 2. If you're cleaning it the next day then just turn the heating unit on High and wait about 45-90 minutes (depending on the chocolate you've used) and then run it for a few minutes to finish melting the chocolate on the tiers.

2) Unplug the machine. Disassemble the tier set and after a quick rinse you can put the three different platters in the dishwasher on the top rack. Or hand wash, it's easy either way.

3) Remove the funnel and hand wash. Use hot soapy water and the chocolate comes right out. (Perhaps another selling point to the coconut oil based chocolate)

4) Use a damp rag to clean the surface of unit base.

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