Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Honeywell 1,500-Watt All Metal Heater #HZ-2110 Review

Honeywell 1,500-Watt All Metal Heater #HZ-2110
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $69.99
Sale Price: $38.50
Today's Bonus: 45% Off
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This is a pretty good, little, electric heater. It's in an all-metal case. It has a non-detented thermostat. The detented power knob (Off, Fan only, I. (less power), II., III. (more power)) works much like opening a prescription pill bottle. The plastic, hinged handle is nice, too. I tested the tip over feature while moving it on the floor, and it works well! The whole unit shuts off if it's even a little out of plumb.

"Sparky," as I named him, gets pretty hot. The fan blows at what I'll call a slow to medium rate--sufficient to circulate the air and quite quiet. The thermostat works well, too.

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Well made,works effectively, quiet and I now own three. Purchased one, liked it so much purchased two more. The design is safe as well. Different settings. Fan Heater......... very quiet. No plastic odor and toxic fumes. I say it's certainly a buy

Best Deals on Honeywell 1,500-Watt All Metal Heater #HZ-2110

Bought this heater at my local hardware store before reading these reviews. Sounds like they either work or they don't. My didn't. I brought it home, took it out to the garage (about 35º F out there today), plugged it in and waited about an hour to see if it would warm up. Despite being on the highest setting and having the thermostat on it cranked, the heater barely put out any heat. It was level and stable, but the only heat I could feel from it was from about two inches away, and that felt like a hair dryer on the lowest setting (and that's being generous).

I returned it. I'm sure some of these heaters really get the job done, but I can't imagine that mine was functioning properly, and it sounds like a common problem. Light came on, fan whirred away (a little) but barely any heat came out. My halogen work light put out more heat at three feet away. Find another heater.

Honest reviews on Honeywell 1,500-Watt All Metal Heater #HZ-2110

I took a chance on this heater because of the January 2010 review that said it had no toxic fumes. But the one I just received (in September 2012) was so smelly, without even being plugged in and heating up, that I quickly repacked it and returned it. (Since the return was not because of damage or any error by Amazon, return shipping costs of $10.99 were deducted from my refund.)

If you could bottle this heater's odors you might label it "Eau de Service Station". The rubbery cord smelled especially strong to me, like new tires. These are smells that I know from experience never air out or burn off.

This is sad, especially if the product has changed that much since 2010. Many people who buy an all-metal heater are trying to avoid inhaling toxic fumes and have serious health reasons for doing so.

I've been getting by with Markel 198TE all-metal portable heaters, which used to have minimum smell, but in recent years the new ones are smellier and break down quickly. In desperation I just keep getting them replaced on warranty through a local store. And searching for something better.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Honeywell 1,500-Watt All Metal Heater #HZ-2110

I was so happy with this heater, at first.

It had good heat output, was incredibly quiet, and produced no chemical odor after a couple hours of use.

However, within two weeks, it stopped working. Even the fan won't come on. The only sign of life is the indicator light.


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