Thursday, July 17, 2014

Discount Sengoku CV-2230 KeroHeat Convection 23,000-BTU Portable Kerosene

Sengoku CV-2230 KeroHeat Convection 23,000-BTU Portable Kerosene Heater
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I live in a very isolated rural area and my local electric co-op is less than dependable. The power went out for 7 hours once because of a windy day. I have a bad feeling about this winter so I decided to buy a kero heater in case the power goes out. I live in a small trailer that has electric everything. My grandparents used to have a KeroSun that was great so I looked for those and found that the company is out of business, so I tried to find one with good user reviews that was as close to that design as possible. The Sengoku CV-2230 looked promising.

Having never done it before, assembling the heater was a nightmare, though they thoughtfully pre-installed the wick. One big down-side I noticed right away was the flimsy handle. It's a big heater and I'm afraid to pick it up with that handle, especially when it's full. They have small "U"-shaped clamps at the hardware store that I'll attach to each end of the handle where they fit into the holes in the body so the handle can't come out. That should make me feel a little better.

Follow the instructions. Fill and light this heater *outside*, let the flame settle, then bring it in. Don't forget the part where it says to let the entire first tankful burn outside so that the varnishes and residues left from manufacturing burn off and don't create noxious fumes.

When the flame was fully-lit I turned it down and brought the heater indoors. I found that the flame was too high even on the lowest wick-stop setting AND burned mostly on the left and right with practically no flame front and back. The flame was much higher on the right, also. I fiddled with it to no avail and realized the wick needed some surgery. So I disassembled the whole thing to get the wick, lowered the entire wick about 1/8" and gave it a haircut with a good, sharp pair of scissors so the top was even all the way around. It proved impossible to adjust the wick so that the space between the wick and the metal collar is even all the way around so I just said forget it and reassembled the heater.

The operation was a success. You still have to move the burner around and try different seating positions to get the flame to burn as evenly around the edge of the disk as possible but it can be done. The flame of my heater is now 1/2" high all the way around (as recommended), more or less.

Like the fellow above mentioned, this heater puts out a LOT of heat. I read some reviews that complained that the unit falls far short of its 23,000 BTU rating but it was obviously meant to heat a bigger space than my trailer. I leave two windows open on opposite sides of the room for cross-ventilation, otherwise it sucks all the O2 out the air and the heat drives me out of my home. My Doberman loves it, however, and lays about two feet away from it. They're cold-blooded dogs furry lizards, so this heater makes a terrific dog toaster. One trick I use is to turn on just the blower of my central heat/AC to move the warm air around the whole place. BTW, you can raise the humidity in your home by 10% by doing the same thing, turning the shower nearest the heater intake vent on hot for ten minutes.

Took some fiddling but it works adequately and the price was right. Watch out for that handle. As far as I know, the next thing up is a refurbished KeroSun, and that'll cost you.

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Our large, drafty, almost uninsulated rental home has a heat pump for "heat", and after one winter of freezing to death we bought this heater... Boy, is it nice to be warm again with REAL heat! We had blocked off rooms and used electric heaters before, and at times supplemented it with the central system which had to use resistance heat at the tune of $2.00 and HOUR to run. Seemed the second the central unit went out, the house was freezing again.

This Kerosene heater is very easy to use, requires minimal maintenance, and puts out a LOT of heat fast. Only real smell is at start-up and especially at shutdown, but if you take the heater outside to start and stop, actual in use smell is almost zero if you use it properly. By properly for my particular unit means flame height as high as possible w/o curling (sooting), and adjusting the burner. Quality of the fuel obviously is a factor, and I have had pretty good luck with the un-dyed K-1 from several stations. With good fresh K-1 fuel, and the unit adjusted properly at operating temp, there is no odor, or so faint I have to try and smell for it, and there has absolutely never been any sooting. You will learn how to adjust the unit as the fuel warms/unit gets hotter, and really enjoy the experience. My family enjoys the soft steady glow the heater makes, and it's nice steady heat, not the on/off feeling from central.

Although the product is perfectly safe for indoor use, I do use and highly recommend a CO detector, never sleeping with the heater on, and not have it too far from where you are to be able to keep an eye on it.

Pro's not mentioned:

Actual use times relative to consumption seem longer than stated. I have used it 12 hrs straight, and no way used close to all the fuel. Seems the fuel gage reads "F" way before the tank is actually full, and "E" well before actually empty.

Extra wicks if needed are very easy to get, but I don't see the need for a new one anytime soon if you "dry burn" as is required every so often.

Lots of safety is built into the unit, and it does have an auto shut off should it fall over

No electricity needed, so they are the perfect "blackout" heating solution

2 yr warranty


Contact made to Sengoku USA by email has never been returned, so there may be CS issues down the road

Although generally well made, there are some issues, especially the carrying handle. It flexes a lot especially when the heater is full of fuel, and the handle can slip out because the holes in the side of the heaters sheet steel get wallowed out. To stop this I installed some wire clips, and so far so good.

For our situation (no nat gas available), this heater was the best choice over paying for propane to be installed, or using the creosote laden fireplace. I read a lot of hype, hyperbole, and flat out BS about the dangers of using a Kerosene heater indoors... Yeah, they must really be death machines seeing how the Japanese by the tens of millions use them almost exclusively for primary heating of their non central heat homes. Bottom line, learn how to safely use them/maintain them, and you will be rewarded with plenty of economical heat.

Best Deals on Sengoku CV-2230 KeroHeat Convection 23,000-BTU Portable Kerosene

With deep winter upon us, these are great alternative heaters for people on electric heat. They provide 23,000 BTU more than enough to heat 2-3 easily. VERY hot. Foutchie loves to roast her fur next to it. Runs for about 12 hours, a little longer if you cut it back. Easy refill, good protective guard. I have paid $50 more for ones not as high quality.

I have had this brand before and they are long lasting.

Honest reviews on Sengoku CV-2230 KeroHeat Convection 23,000-BTU Portable Kerosene

We use the Kero-Heat 2230 to heat the lower level of our 2600 sq ft home, built in 1940. I did not have high hopes for it at first, and was really expecting it to chug black clouds of kerosene fumes and be high maintenance with wick replacements, soot, etc. In reality, this is the cleanest burning kerosene heater Ive ever witnessed work! We keep our heat at 60f and this heater will heat the downstairs to 72-74f degrees. Its amazing.

It is much more efficient on fuel than I thought too. If you are having a problem with it consuming too much kerosene, then dont keep it on "hi" all of the time moving the knob to a lower burn will produce almost just as much heat. I used to keep it at high until I realized I didnt have to.

Also, we add a product that you can buy at Wal-Mart, or anywhere on the net that costs about $4.00 per bottle. It keeps the wick clean, takes away ANY kerosene fume smell from burning kerosene, and seems to make the kerosene last a little longer. You only add 1oz per 5 gallons of Kerosene.

I really like how the electric igniter works flawlessly. The fuel gauge is accurate and the fuel cap is tethered with a chain, so you wont lose it.

If you are on the fence about the 2230, be assured after you try it out you will be telling people what a great deal you got and "they don't make 'em like this anymore!" because it really is a quality workhorse.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Sengoku CV-2230 KeroHeat Convection 23,000-BTU Portable Kerosene

I like this heater, and use it, but find that I cannot use it indoors without tripping my smoke alarms. That's after rigorously adjusting the heater for a clean burn, warming it up for a half-hour in the garage first, and even using odorless fuel. Mind you, the heater isn't smoking far from it. It's as clean a burn as I've ever seen from a kerosene heater. Nonetheless, I can't use it indoors period. So I use it in a machine shed where I don't have the issue. Your mileage may vary.

Pumps out tons of heat and the lighter works flawlessly. It's well made, though the handle isn't stiff enough for the heater's weight. If you're not careful when carrying the heater with full fuel, the handle can slip and detach, dropping the heater. Used within its limitations, it's the best heater of its type out there.

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