Monday, March 31, 2014


Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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I am really happy with these fuzzy blue Pooh Bear gloves. I am wearing them right now. To put them on, open the Velcro tabs on the bottom and slide in your hands. There are holes on each side for thumbs and pinky fingers. Plug the USB cord into your USB outlet. That's it.

PROS: They are cozy and heat up very quickly. The warmth is not too hot or too cold on the backs of my hands. I can definitely feel the comforting heat radiating out from the USB connection. I can really hope the heat continues to work (USB heating appliances have a tendency to stop working after a bit).

I was really happy with the price. Even with the shipping cost, these gloves are still the best price on Amazon. If you can handle having cutesy gloves, this is an excellent buy.

Personally I don't mind the cuteness. It makes me smile and the blue velvety material is very soft and cozy. I feel like I have paws. :)

It's still very easy to use the computer mouse, since the bottom of the gloves have no padding, just a thin layer of fuzzy material. The tops of the gloves are padded, which is fine and helps retain the heat.

These are not children's size gloves. They fit fine on my small adult women's hands. I think a man could manage to get his hands in them, since there is a Velcro tab that expands. I suppose if one has very large hands they could just leave the tabs open.

A very cool part of the tabs under my wrist is that they are also padded, so they help make a comfortable little 'pillow' that feels ergonomically comfortable.

When wearing the gloves, it's easy to remove the cords from the 'paws' and unplug the USB unit. So you could wear these without using the heater if you wanted to walk around but retain your hand heat.

CONS: Since the cords are tethered together near my hands, I only have about a foot's distance between them for actually using my hands. I am adapting by remembering to use my hands together, so I do not pull apart the cord. I really would like this product to last. :)

There are 'bear ears' on the sides of both gloves, which make it a wee bit hard to see the keys on my keyboard. I do know where the keys are without looking, but if someone did not, this would make typing pretty difficult. I will caveat that I use a small netbook, so my keyboard is smaller than for most people.

One note: you do have to connect the cords to the gloves before slipping them on. It's very awkward to try to connect the cords to the gloves while wearing them. So this is just a matter of getting used to the process of putting them on.

My thoughts: I bought these USB gloves specifically to use with my solar heating system. My goal is to decrease my home wattage to the point where I can put my home studio on solar power only. I have been reading about creating heat bubbles around one's workspace, where you heat your hands, feet and face, and then wear a lap blanket and sweater. It's an exciting project! I have my plug in DC thermal blanket for my lap, or to sit on, and will be looking into low wattage USB personal heaters next. So far I am thrilled with these silly, cute little gloves and imagine they will be an integral part of my winter system.

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These arrived yesterday and heat up in a satisfyingly warm way. I like them. When purchased, price point with shipping was $5-6ish. It's worth that, and not more than that. No comment on durability (arrived yesterday).

I would point out that the description says "wool" and these are totally polyester, except that the blue fake-fur fluff is so obviously far from wool you'd have to be pretty credulous to even consider taking the description seriously.


They're huge. Despite the cutesy blue fur, little ears, and embroidered bear, these are not for kids. I have normal-to-small ladysize hands, and my fingers only poke out to the second knuckle. Laid flat, ear span is about 5 inches. The wrist closure is velcro, and padded.

The heating pad is only a 2.25 x 2.75 inch insert on the back of the hands, the fingers stick out, the palms of the hand are only warm because they're covered in fur.


They heat up quickly to a noticably warm temperature that is not quite hot enough to be uncomfortable on bare skin.

The wires can be unplugged (though the plug point is a bit awkward, too close to the wrist to reach the jack while you're wearing it)

The heating pads are just tucked in a little pouch, with velcro closure. Held securely but easily removable. This is probably so you can wash your bears without endangering the electronics. I'm sure no-one would ever remove the heating pads and install them in better gloves, no matter how easy it would be to ditch the tacky bears. Not me, definitely not.


Originally when I found the "Toasty Handwarmers" on a different website I thought it was a wondeful idea, but did not really want to spend thirty dollars on the product. So I came and searched on here and found these. Right out of the box they work wonderfully and heat up quickly. The only real flaw is that your fingers are exposed and will probably remain chilly on a cold night, however this isn't the only product with that flaw and for such a great price who can really complain? They're a little cutesy, but I personally love them. Happy with my purchase.


I purchased these gloves for myself for use on my job. When the AC is on full my work area can get quite chilly and the gloves allow me to continue working while keeping my hands, to keep my hands warm.

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These keep my hands warm at the computer quite effectively. The only thing I don't like is the design...I'd much rather have solid blue ones than this almost-definitely-IP-infringing Pooh Bear design, but alas, these were the cheapest ones I could find. Definitely worth the money, even if they're too dorky to wear outside of the house.

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