Saturday, April 19, 2014

EdenPURE Signature Series Infrared Portable Heater Reviews

EdenPURE Signature Series Infrared Portable Heater
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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I live in a rural area and have been eaten alive by the high cost of heating my home with with LP gas. I heard about these heaters and talked to a friend who repairs hvac for his opinion. He said these eden pure heaters are really nice and use approx. $30 a month in electricity to run. I was skeptical until i received my first months elec. bill while using this heater. There was a 400kwh's increase from last decembers bill. at 6.6 cents per kwh, 6.6 cents x 400kwh = $26.40

I usually run this heater for 10-12 hours a day everyday and longer on weekends. The temp outside has been very mild so far this winter. Our average daily temp has been about 30 degrees and when the eden pure runs, my lp gas furnace is quiet and never cycles. This little beauty keeps it very comfortable for us. I would recommend to anybody! just leave your furnace set at your usual temp and then fire this thing up and you'll see true savings. I have a tri-level home and keep this in the bottom den on an inside wall. I opted for the signature model because it has higher wattage and a humidifier. A very nice heater and i'm very pleased with it! Would buy again!!

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I have a 1200 sq/ft home and was getting tired of huge heating (gas) bill, decided to give it a try. I have had it close to one month and so far it works better than the old convection heater, but for $340 more I expected at least that much. We leave it on close to the highest temp. all the time and lowered our t-stat 2 degrees. It does not heat the whole house and the room it is directed at is still a little cold, but better than it was before. Still waiting on the first gas/electric bill to finalize my verdict, but overall I was expecting more than I got.

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1500 watts gives you exactly 5118.15 Btu's. Heat can be radiated or convected, but with resistance heating you will never get more than 5118.15 Btu's. Edenpure forever has been duping people with a product that looks sexy, but tends to be unreliable and expensive as well. One of their promos actually touted the "original designer" as having discovered a revolutionary new type of heater which is pure hogwash. Go elsewhere and don't believe their bogus claims.

Really the only way to get high efficiency with electric heat is with a heat pump some of which are literally 6-8 times more efficient than the resistance type.

Honest reviews on EdenPURE Signature Series Infrared Portable Heater

Consumer Reports, February 10, 2010:

Heating Claims Don't Add Up

Manufacturers of electric space heaters want you to believe that using one of their devices will lower your heating bill. Lowering your home's thermostat(s) and using your main heating system less in tandem with a space heater--called zone heating--will cut your utility bill. (Every degree you lower the thermostat(s) can save you about 2 percent on your heating bill.) But keep in mind that based on current national average prices and adjusting for the energy losses due to burning a fuel, heating with electricity is about two and a half times more expensive than heating with gas, the most common heating fuel in this country.

EdenPure suggests that "you can turn the heat down in your house as low as 50°F, yet the room you are in will be warm and comfortable. When you move to another room, the EdenPure goes with you. Its wheels make relocation a snap." That scenario assumes that you have to heat only a single room to heat at a time or that you own multiple EdenPure space heaters; that once you're in a room you stay put and don't move around the house; and that you're willing to keep the rest of your home at a chilly 50°F. Lowering the thermostat(s) by 3°F would likely result in minimal discomfort for you and your family, but are you willing to keep your home at 50°F?

...Its design essentially negates the radiant-heating effect, so it operates more like a typical fan-forced convection heater. While a fan can help mix the room air, there is typically some temperature variation, with cooler air near the floor and warmer air near the ceiling.

Humidity Information Seems All Wet

EdenPure says its heaters "protects the humidity level and air quality important to breathing comfort and personal health," and also notes that "Heat from the copper tubing rides the humidity in the room and provides moist, soft heat--ceiling-to-floor, wall-to-wall--without reducing oxygen or humidity."

Simply put, when you heat a room with any space heater and don't also have an additional source of humidity, say a humidifier, the total moisture in the air in that space will stays the same but the relative humidity will go down, not up. That's true for every space heater we've tested...

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Why on earth would anyone pay four hundred bucks for a 1500 watt electric space heater? You can buy the exact same amount of heating capacity for about one tenth of the cost at any hardware store. Oh, wait... sure, this one has a humidifier built into it. And umm... it also supposedly has a UV light bulb in it to sanitize the air.

The way that I look at it, though, if you are going to buy a heater then you should just buy a heater and be done with it. If you need a humidifier then buy one of those. Clumping together different components in the same cabinet is just asking for trouble.

And besides, do you know what a UV light bulb is supposed to do? It kills biological stuff, the stuff that just isn't present during the heating season. UV bulbs are great for killing off the slimy stuff that grows in the condensation drain pan of an air conditioner but they don't do a damn thing about the primary air contaminant present during heating season: dust. For that you need a really good air filter...preferably one connected to a central forced air system so that it cleans the air in the entire house.

As for the humidifier... well, it is true that humid air will make you feel warmer than dry air but this is usually a phenomenon that occurs in the summer when the air is already humid and you are working up a sweat at some physical activity like, say, cutting the lawn. And it's not very pleasant to feel sweaty, is it? A humidifier is good for several things in the heating season: keeping your sinuses from hurting, preventing damage to wood floors and furniture and keeping static electricity in check. But... in order to actually feel warmer (sweaty) you would have to raise the humidity level to the point where condensation begins to form on the insides of your windows. When that happens the water runs down the glass and damages the sill. Not good. By the way, you will get tired of having to continually refill the water reservoir pretty quick and then it won't humidify at all. Good humidification requires several gallons per day in a typical many ounces of water do you think this thing can hold? If you need humidity in the heating season then shell out the bucks for a whole house humidifier that fills itself automatically and is controlled by a humidistat. That's the smart thing to do.

So... even though this miraculous heater has a built-in UV bulb air sanitizer and humidifier, these aren't exactly huge benefits...actually they border on uselessness. And besides, if one component decides to break then you are going to have to do without the entire thing while you send it in for repair. That's why separate components makes more sense from the standpoint of functionality.

Now aside from these two "features" you have the heater itself. It is a 1500 watt electric space heater in a faux wood cabinet with a remote control temperature adjuster. It has a little squirrel cage blower. It uses three 500 watt halogen light bulbs to produce heat. The heat warms some copper pipe that the fan blows air around. That's it. The fact is, though, that any 1500 watt heater (almost all of which are vastly more reasonably priced) will put out the exact same amount of heat.

Now someone else on this page spoke glowingly of how much money they saved by operating this thing instead of an LP (whole house) furnace. Bear in mind that yes, he is only heating ONE room rather than the whole house...definitely comparing apples to oranges there. But let's just take a look at some numbers...

First of all, almost no one in the USA pays 6.6 cents per kilowatt hour. Don't believe me? Look it up. An average price is way closer to 10 cents per KWH. And if you are "lucky" enough to live on the east or west coast then you are probably paying between 12 and 15 cents per KWH.

Second, the only way that this turkey is going to keep your furnace from operating is if it just happens to be parked in the same room as the forced air thermostat. If that is the case then you can bet dollars to donuts that the rest of the house is seriously under-served in terms of heating. If you live in a place where it gets really cold then operating an EdenPure near a forced air thermostat (or worse, turning the furnace completely off) could very well result in frozen and/or broken water pipes elsewhere in the house. But that's the "strategy" that EdenPure promoters push: Stay in one room with the electric space heater and seal off the rest of the house without any heat. That can really get you into trouble in cold climate parts of the country.

Okay, now back to the number stuff... Let's say that you have a 10 cent per kilowatt utility rate. Let's also say that the heater is on 50% of the time. There are 720 hours in a thirty day month so that would be 360 hours for 50% operation. 1500 watts x 360 hours is 540 kilowatt hours. Multiply that against a ten cent rate and you get 54 bucks. Think about that for a second or two: 54 bucks to heat ONE small room in your house for a month. And remember, that is assuming that it's only on for half the time. What if it's on for 2/3's of the time? Or 3/4's of the time? Yikes! Not good, campers, not good at all. And holy cow, what if you live in New England where it's cold AND the electric rate is over 15 cents a KWH? Double yikes!

EdenPure is basically promoting the idea here of heating one room in your house and either not heating or severely under-heating the rest of your home. If this is your idea of comfort then have at it. Me? I'm thinking that if you can't afford to heat your house properly then maybe you have a little too much house.

Seriously, though, if you want to save money on heating then instead of using this stupid overpriced electric heater idea, why not invest in some actual energy saving home improvement stuff? Seal up air leakage points on the building exterior walls. Improve the insulation values in the ceilings. Insulate your water pipes. Is your floor insulated? You would be surprised at how many people live in a house with an un-insulated floor built over a ventilated crawl space. There are all kinds of energy saving ideas out there that you can use to lower your monthly utility costs. Most of them are pretty easy to do and once you do them the improvements are good forever.

The bottom line here is this: Electricity is your worst heating value (unless you operate a heat pump but that's another story). The EdenPure is a ridiculously overpriced portable electric space heater. There are vastly cheaper portable electric space heaters that deliver the exact same amount of heat regardless of the nonsense claims made by the EdenPure hucksters. Sometimes you DON'T get what you pay for. The EdenPure would be one of those times.

*And one more thing: Anytime I see someone gushing over what a great value the EdenPure is, I'm thinking they are probably selling EdenPure heaters.

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